
Range of training

Basic Rigging Courses (site specific)

  1. We present a Theoretical phase where we educate the members on different types of slings and shackles and the correct applications for each.
  2. The members are subjected to inspections of the slings, and the completion of registers.
  3. Each member is allowed to practice the inspection and application (Slinging).
  4. Site specific training on risk assessments is integrated in this course.

Mobile Crane Operators

  1. All OHS Act 85 of 1993 Reg. 18 sub (1-11) is adhered to.
  2. TETA publications are adhered to.
  3. An international standard assessment program has been in use for the past 2 years.

Truck Mounted Cranes

  1. All OHS Act 85 of 1993 Reg. 18 sub (1-11) is adhered to.
  2. TETA publications are adhered to.

Mobile Elevating Work Platform courses (JLG / Cherry Picker and Scissor Lift)

  1. All OHS Act 85 of 1993 Reg. 18 sub (1-11) is adhered to.
  2. TETA publications are adhered to.

Overhead Crane Operators

  1. All OHS Act 85 of 1993 Reg. 18 sub (1-11) is adhered to.
  2. TETA publications are adhered to.

Safety Harness application courses

  1. All OHS Act 85 of 1993 Reg. 18 sub (1-11) is adhered to.
  2. Members are trained to inspect harnesses before applying.
  3. Members are taught on how to get dressed in a harness this includes adjustments.
  4. Members are taught on how to maintain safety harnesses.

Lifting and Earth Moving Equipment (Forklifts, Cranes, FEL, TLB, etc)

  1. On completion of a theoretical phase the members are subjected to.
  2. A walk around check list.
  3. A pre- operational checklist.
  4. A start up procedure.
  5. An operational procedure.
  6. A shutdown procedure.
  7. Each member is allowed to practice all modules until competent.
  8. The members are subjected to a pre- assessment where mistakes are highlighted before the final practical assessment.
  9. Assessments are direct in line with the TETA specifications.

General Risk Assessment

  1. During the course every member will receive a theoretical presentation, on completion the member will be provided with a scenario and are asked to identify the Hazards.

4x4 Training & Recover

  1. The driver will be subjected to a road test where he or she will be assessed on standard document published in the Government Gazette.
  2. Our 4x4 training is based on trial and error where each member will be subjected to a practical phase and this will include:
    • → Sand driving;
    • → Mud driving;
    • → Rocky services;
    • → Water crossing;
    • → River crossing;
    • → Hill climbing and descending;
    • → Selection of 4x4 High range, low range and differential locks;
    • → Vehicle recovery;
    • → Taking care of tires and to protect the vehicle from bush related damaged;
    • → Short halts and inspections;
    • → Long halts and inspections;

Working at Heights

  1. All OHS Act 85 of 1993 is adhered to.
  2. Hazard assessment is presented on site to enhance hand on training.

Course Duration - Lifting and Earthmoving Operator Training

  • Course: Training for Novice Operators
  •      Duration: 5 Days
      • 1 Day theory
        3 Days practical
        1 Day theoretical and practical assessment

  • Course: Training for experienced Operators
  •      Duration: 3 Days
      • 1 Day theory
        1 Day practical
        1 Day theoretical and practical assessment

  • Course: Re-certification
  •      Duration: 1 Day
      • Theory, practical assessment

  • Course: First Aid Training
  •      Level i: Duration: 2 Days
  •      Level i and ii: Duration -: 4 Days
  •      Level i to iii: Duration: 6 Days